Where: Percept anniversary bash
Is Ms Sen auditioning for the role of Catwoman? She definitely has the body to rock this ensemble and the attitude to play that role..
Isn't the belt fabulous?? What do you guys think, a hit or a miss??
photo credits: inditop.com
Sush could wear a potato sack and rock it! I am loving her belt and heels with the outfit!
Absolutely fabulous! What a sexy lady.
Too matchy matchy for my taste. I'da preferred a different color for the pants. Perhaps a dark gray or smth. Anything but black.
Ohhh my gosh, she is sexxxxaayy!! I maybe biased but I don't care! She looks like a diva! :)
She is beautiful and sexy. I think I like her shoes but need a closer look.
I do not think it's something I would wear. I like her ... but not her fashion sense always!
She looks hot it's a hit!
I LOVE that belt, love that top, would definitely wear and have worn an outfit like this (because I'm so shy of course...) and Sushmita has a rockin' bod, definitely a very very sexy Woman... but... something not quite right for me... the shoes?
Would have preferred something to 'finish' and complete the look off, booties or platform heels. The leggings are cutting the perspective and her upper body looks longer than and out of proportion to her lower body.
And having said all that, let me just say... DANG!!!!!!! She has got it going on! Body and attitude wise. I think she's fabulous and I am ashamed that I have said what I said but it needed to be said. And I think I need to go to sleep now... :)
2:00am Tues 20/07
She rocks it..and the belt looks great! Wish she wore more colors though..she's always in black or animal prints!
ah... why is this woman soooo gorgeous!!! :-)
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